
Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Muscat Youth Summit 2012

Simply the best experience of my life so far. I'm pretty sure everyone who participated shares my opinion.

Muscat Youth Summit is an annual initiative organized by the Brand Oman Management Unit (BOMU) supported by UNESCO, the Sultanate's Ministry of Education and the Oman National Commission for Education, Culture and Science. It plans to give the youth a voice in their community. The summit is aimed at 15-24 year olds drawn from different parts of the World.
I was chosen to participate in the 4th edition of this summit from 9-12/12/2012 held at Millinium Hotel in Mussanah. I went in expecting to learn new things and meet new people, but I came out from this amazing experience with much more.
The summit's theme this year was "Road Safety", which is a problem facing us here in Oman. During the 4 days, 200 participants were devided into groups; Purple (Mussandam, Muscat, Masirah) and Yellow (Sohar, Salalah, Sur). The purple groups were 15-18 year olds, and the yellow groups were 19-24 year olds.

On day 1, all the groups focused on the theme of entrepreneurship, and my group discussed this topic with Mira Jessani, Celeste Houlker, Jamal Al-Asmi, and Anwar Al-Asmi, all who were fantastic presenters. Each group was given a topic to discuss on the 2nd and 3rd day, mine was (Road Safety In The Digital World) with amazing and interactive presenters such as: Fathi Al-Riyami, Adam Brooks, Mark Sivy, Buthaina Al-Kindi, and Simon Labbett. We were supposed to work on a project and present it on the 3rd day, and ours was (Stay Alive, Don't Text and Drive). The 4th and final day was community day, where all 200 participants went to a public park in Mussanah to give back to the community by giving it a "facelift".
During my time at the summit, I got the chance to meet new people from different cultures and countries, share my thoughts and ideas about different topics in our community, learn new things that I never had thought were possible, and think about my future and how I can impact my society.
I was actually scared of going to the summit because I thought I'd feel shy around new people, but that was the total opposite! I became more outgoing and I talked to a lot of people! I had the chance to be on a radio interview, interviewed for the MYS video, present infront of officials, and be featured in newspapers (3 TIMES!). But the friends I made over there were my favourite experience. 

I would like to thank everyone responsible for organizing this event and giving me and all my friends the chance to participate in it. It was the most fun I've ever had, and if you get the chance, GO!

*This article is just a brief summary of things that I personally did during MYS2012.
-Want to see pictures:
-Want to know more and see the whole schedule of MYS:

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